Midwest Alpine Challenge

About Us


Starting as an idea over two years ago over one too many drinks and after borrowing elements from Nastar, High School, and USSS; the Midwest Alpine Challenge is a new take on team style racing.

Born from a collaboration between the Midwest Race League, Midwest Masters, and The Ski Challenge; we aimed to create a race that brings together all of the racing communities in the region. This race will allow each racing community to put their best foot forward and really see who is the best of the best!

While it is a competitive ski race, camaraderie and fun are the two points we kept on our mind every planning meeting.

In partnership with Welch Village, the Midwest Alpine Challenge was able to secure the finest local racing hill in the Twin Cities: Lookout. This hill allows for the combined community to showcase ski racing! With on-hill videographers, music, and photographers this is not your everyday race.

Everyone on the planning committee thanks you for spending your time with us!

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